fish ships with the following commands:
- abbr - manage fish abbreviations
- alias - create a function
- and - conditionally execute a command
- argparse - parse options passed to a fish script or function
- begin - start a new block of code
- bg - send jobs to background
- bind - handle fish key bindings
- block - temporarily block delivery of events
- break - stop the current inner loop
- breakpoint - Launch debug mode
- builtin - run a builtin command
- case - conditionally execute a block of commands
- cd - change directory
- cdh - change to a recently visited directory
- command - run a program
- commandline - set or get the current command line buffer
- complete - edit command specific tab-completions
- contains - test if a word is present in a list
- continue - skip the remainder of the current iteration of the current inner loop
- count - count the number of elements of a list
- dirh - print directory history
- dirs - print directory stack
- disown - remove a process from the list of jobs
- echo - display a line of text
- else - execute command if a condition is not met
- emit - Emit a generic event
- end - end a block of commands.
- eval - evaluate the specified commands
- exec - execute command in current process
- exit - exit the shell
- false - return an unsuccessful result
- fg - bring job to foreground
- fish - the friendly interactive shell
- fish_breakpoint_prompt - define the prompt when stopped at a breakpoint
- fish_config - start the web-based configuration interface
- fish_git_prompt - output git information for use in a prompt
- fish_hg_prompt - output Mercurial information for use in a prompt
- fish_indent - indenter and prettifier
- fish_key_reader - explore what characters keyboard keys send
- fish_mode_prompt - define the appearance of the mode indicator
- fish_opt - create an option spec for the argparse command
- fish_prompt - define the appearance of the command line prompt
- fish_right_prompt - define the appearance of the right-side command line prompt
- fish_svn_prompt - output Subversion information for use in a prompt
- fish_update_completions - Update completions using manual pages
- fish_vcs_prompt - output version control system information for use in a prompt
- for - perform a set of commands multiple times.
- funced - edit a function interactively
- funcsave - save the definition of a function to the user's autoload directory
- function - create a function
- functions - print or erase functions
- help - display fish documentation
- history - Show and manipulate command history
- if - conditionally execute a command
- isatty - test if a file descriptor is a terminal
- jobs - print currently running jobs
- math - Perform mathematics calculations
- nextd - move forward through directory history
- not - negate the exit status of a job
- open - open file in its default application
- or - conditionally execute a command
- popd - move through directory stack
- prevd - move backward through directory history
- printf - display text according to a format string
- prompt_pwd - Print pwd suitable for prompt
- psub - perform process substitution
- pushd - push directory to directory stack
- pwd - output the current working directory
- random - generate random number
- read - read line of input into variables
- realpath - Convert a path to an absolute path without symlinks
- return - stop the current inner function
- set - display and change shell variables.
- set_color - set the terminal color
- source - evaluate contents of file.
- status - query fish runtime information
- string - manipulate strings
- string-collect - join strings into one
- string-escape - escape special characters
- string-join - join strings with delimiter
- string-join0 - join strings with zero bytes
- string-length - print string lengths
- string-lower - convert strings to lowercase
- string-match - match substrings
- string-repeat - multiply a string
- string-replace - replace substrings
- string-split - split strings by delimiter
- string-split0 - split on zero bytes
- string-sub - extract substrings
- string-trim - remove trailing whitespace
- string-unescape - expand escape sequences
- string-upper - convert strings to uppercase
- suspend - suspend the current shell
- switch - conditionally execute a block of commands
- test - perform tests on files and text
- time - measure how long a command or block takes
- trap - perform an action when the shell receives a signal
- true - return a successful result
- type - indicate how a command would be interpreted
- ulimit - set or get resource usage limits
- umask - set or get the file creation mode mask
- vared - interactively edit the value of an environment variable
- wait - wait for jobs to complete
- while - perform a command multiple times