fish_should_add_to_history - decide whether a command should be added to the history


function fish_should_add_to_history


The fish_should_add_to_history function is executed before fish adds a command to history, and its return status decides whether that is done.

If it returns 0, the command is stored in history, when it returns anything else, it is not. In the latter case the command can still be recalled for one command.

The first argument to fish_should_add_to_history is the commandline. History is added before a command is run, so e.g. status can’t be checked. This is so commands that don’t finish like exec - execute command in current process and long-running commands are available in new sessions immediately.

If fish_should_add_to_history doesn’t exist, fish will save a command to history unless it starts with a space. If it does exist, this function takes over all of the duties, so commands starting with space are saved unless fish_should_add_to_history says otherwise.


A simple example:

function fish_should_add_to_history
    for cmd in vault mysql ls
         string match -qr "^$cmd" -- $argv; and return 1
    return 0

This refuses to store any immediate “vault”, “mysql” or “ls” calls. Commands starting with space would be stored.

function fish_should_add_to_history
    # I don't want `git pull`s in my history when I'm in a specific repository
    if string match -qr '^git pull'
    and string match -qr "^/home/me/my-secret-project/" -- (pwd -P)
        return 1

    return 0